AABS Presidents

Details coming soon.

[2022 – current]. Rev. Dr. Steve Bishop, President.  [bio forthcoming].

[2016 – 2022]. Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson, President.  Jane Patterson is Associate Professor of New Testament at Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas, where she also serves as Director of Community Care. She is the author of Keeping the Feast: Metaphors of Sacrifice in 1 Corinthians and Philippians (SBL Press, 2015) and a contributor to Calling All Years Good: Vocation Across the Lifespan (Eerdmans, 2017). In biblical studies her academic interests include the intersection of literary, political, and theological study of the scriptures. She also teaches in the area of Christian formation, where her work focuses on vocation and Christian practice, and she is Associate Project Director for the “Called to Lives of Meaning and Purpose Initiative” of the Lilly Endowment, Inc. She is Co-Director of St. Benedict’s Workshop, a ministry devoted to helping laity live their faith in daily life, and serves the Diocese of West Texas as a member of the Discernment Committee. She is active as a preacher, teacher, and parishioner at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in San Antonio. B.A. Smith College, M.T.S. Perkins School of Theology, C.I.T.S. Seminary of the Southwest, Ph.D. Southern Methodist University.

[2012 – 2016]. Rev. Dr. Henrietta Wiley is a philologist of biblical literature and former associate professor of Sacred Scripture at Notre Dame of Maryland University—as well as a visiting professor at Denison University. She is an Episcopal priest. She has a PhD in Hebrew Bible from Harvard University and an undergraduate degree in Classical Greek from the University of North Carolina.

[2008 – 2012]. Rev. Dr. Cynthia Briggs Kittredge is the Ernest J. Villavaso, Jr. Professor of New Testament and Academic Dean at Seminary of the Southwest.  In her teaching she gives students the exegetical and interpretive tools both to appreciate and to critically engage with the Biblical texts for theological refection. Her research specialty is biblical interpretation and the letters of Paul. Kittredge, a contributor to the new Oxford Annotated Bible, is the author of Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of John and Community and Authority: The Rhetoric of Obedience in the Pauline Tradition. She co-edited The Bible in the Public Square: Reading the Signs of the Times and Walk in the Ways of Wisdom: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza. She serves as Assisting Priest at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Austin. She earned degrees from Williams College (B.A.) and Harvard Divinity School (MDIV, Th.M. and Th.D).

[2003 – 2008]Rev. Dr. Ellen Bradshaw Aitken†.

[1999 – 2002]. Dr. Marcus Borg.

[1996 – 1999]. Dr. L. William Countryman.

[1993 – 1996]. Rev. Dr. Michael Floyd.