2023 Annual Meeting announcement

The theme this year is Renewing our AABS Fellowship. As in previous years, it will be in conjunction with SBL and held in two parts.

17 November 2023, 4:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Dr. Steven Bishop, President

Schedule of Events
Friday, 17 November 2023
4:30 Gathering and Greeting
5:00 Holy Eucharist

The Rev. Dr. Andrew Guffey, Presiding

The Very Rev. Dr. Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, Preaching
6:00 Dinner
General $40
Student $25
Generous and Able (subsidize student rate) $50

7:00 Roundtable Discussions (3 Topics)

Help Plan Future Virtual, and In Person, Meeting Topics and Presenters.

AABS Journal Issue, Sheryl Kujawa-Holbrook, Anglican Episcopal History, Editor.

AABS publishing ventures, Justin Hoffman, Church Publishing Incorporated, Executive Editor.
8:00 Compline

19 November 2023, 11:45 to 12:45

Room: El Mirador B East (Conference Center) – Hilton Palacio Del Rio
Theme: Holy Eucharist
A celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the Anglican tradition. All are welcome. Please note the AABS off-site meeting on Friday, November 17, beginning at 4:30 PM.

AABS June 10, 2023 virtual meeting on “Recent Anglican Biblical Scholarship in Focus”

AABS is happy to announce our Annual Virtual Meeting June 10, 2023 at 2:30-3:45 p.m. EDT. This annual virtual gathering is an opportunity to connect with biblical scholars from around the world for conversation and fellowship. This year our program invites two scholars to discuss their most recent publications.
Our presenters are the Rev. Dr. George Martin and Mr. Jay Weimer. Dr. Martin will discuss his book Paul Found in His Letters, (Claremont Press 2022) and Mr. Weimer will discuss “Religion Between the Bible and Early Pre-Islamic Arabia” from his work in the forthcoming The Religions Around the Old Testament. Dr. Martin is a retired Episcopal priest, who in his retirement is deepening his research into the Apostle Paul. Mr. Weimar is a PhD Candidate at John Hopkins University in Hebrew Bible and Northwest Semitic Philology.
We hope you can join us!

AABS Fall Meetings 2022

AABS October Online Meeting

The Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars invites you to join a virtual meeting on our continuing theme, “Teaching the Bible in Context.”

Dr. Phil Ruge-Jones

Bringing the Word Home:

The Guatemalan Aural Bible Translation Project

October 22, 2022

1:00  p.m. Central Daylight Time, GMT -5

In-Person Meeting at SBL (M20-201)

In addition to this online meeting, there will be a

Celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the Anglican tradition

in Denver, Colorado, during the meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature

November 20, 2022

11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Capitol 3 (Fourth Level)

All are welcome

AABS Annual Fall Meeting 2022–Note the dates!

This Fall, the AABS has two events: a virtual meeting on 22 Oct 2022 (via Zoom) and a Eucharist on 20 Nov 2022.

The AABS will be holding a virtual meeting (via Zoom) at 1:00 PM CST on October 22, prior to the SBL annual meeting. The October virtual meeting’s topic will reflect our continuing theme, “Teaching the Bible in Context.” Our guest speaker will be Dr. Phil Ruge-Jones, whose lecture presentation is entitled “Bringing the Word Home: The Guatemalan Aural Bible Translation Project.” Registration for the October meeting will open on the AABS website (aabs.org) in September. To be added to our emailing list, please email a short request to Elizabeth Struthers Malbon.

AABS June Meeting 2022

The Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars invites you to join a virtual meeting on the topic “Teaching in Context: Towards a Cultural, Native, and Subaltern Reading” on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at 3:00 PM GMT. Our guest speaker will be the Revd Professor David Joy, Principal of the Kerala United Theological Seminary, Trivandrum, Kerala, India. Break-out room discussions will follow, and the session will close with a brief service of worship in one of the many forms of the Anglican tradition. Registration will open in May at the AABS website, and registrants will receive the Zoom link individually. All are welcome.

Upcoming AABS meetings

The AABS is holding two meetings in 2021, in June and in November.

June Meeting:
The Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars invites you to join a virtual meeting on the topic “Teaching in Context” on Saturday, June 12, 2021, at 11:00 AM-12:15PM, EDT (Eastern Daylight Time = GMT-4).

Our guest speaker will be Dr. Stephen Lim of Ming Hua Theological College in Hong Kong

Break-out room discussions will follow, and the session will close with a brief service of worship in one of the many forms of the Anglican tradition.

Register to receive the Zoom link via the registration form here.

Annual Meeting (November):
The AABS Annual meeting this year comprises three parts: a virtual meeting on 13 November, a Eucharist on 19 November, and another Eucharist on 21 November.

13 November 2021, 11:00 AM, EDT (Eastern Time = GMT-5)
Program TBD

19 November 2021, 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM
The AABS Friday meeting will be held at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (315 Pecan Street, San Antonio, TX 78205; https://www.stmarks-sa.org/). All are welcome to join us. Registration via the AABS website will facilitate planning (registration will be available later in the year here on the website). Information will also be sent out on our email list. Contact Elizabeth Struthers Malbon (malbon@vt.edu) if you wish to be added to the email list.

5:30 pm- Gathering and Greeting
Jane Lancaster Patterson, Seminary of the Southwest, Presiding
6:00 pm- Holy Eucharist

21 November 2021, 11:45 AM, EDT (Eastern Time = GMT-5)
A celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the Anglican tradition during the SBL/AAR meeting. All are welcome

New AABS Project: Blog Posts

Coming in 2019, AABS will start short, bi-monthly blog posts on topics of relevance for the AABS membership. Six steering committee members have volunteered to write the first blogs over the course of 2019. If these prove useful, the series will be continued and opened up to the membership. Stay tuned!