New AABS Project: Blog Posts

Coming in 2019, AABS will start short, bi-monthly blog posts on topics of relevance for the AABS membership. Six steering committee members have volunteered to write the first blogs over the course of 2019. If these prove useful, the series will be continued and opened up to the membership. Stay tuned!

2019 Annual Meeting

The AABS meeting will be in San Diego, 22 November 2019.

All parts of the AABS Friday meeting will be held at St. Paul’s Cathedral (Episcopal), 2728 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92103 (619-298-7261), (We are hopeful that we will be able to arrange bus transportation from the convention center.) All are welcome to join us—for any portion/s of the afternoon/evening. Advance reservations are required for the catered dinner. Information and cost for the dinner will be posted here by the early fall; this information will also be sent out on our email list. Contact Elizabeth Struthers Malbon ( in the meantime if you have questions or to be added to the email list. Please also note the AABS celebration of Holy Eucharist on Sunday at 11:45 AM; check the SBL online program or program book for the room.

3:00 pm- Executive Committee Meeting
Jane Lancaster Patterson, Seminary of the Southwest, Presiding
5:00 pm- Gathering and Greeting
5:30 pm-General Business Meeting
Jane Lancaster Patterson, Seminary of the Southwest, Presiding
6:00 pm- Holy Eucharist
7:00 pm-Dinner
7:45 pm- Evening Program
Topic: “What is Anglican about Anglican Readings of Scripture?”
Presider: Elizabeth Struthers Malbon, Virginia Tech (retired)
Presenters: The Rev. Dr. Neil Elliott, Senior Acquisitions Editor at Fortress Press, and the Rev. Dr. Linda M. Maloney, former Academic Editor at Liturgical Press and current Editorial Board Member for the Wisdom Commentary (Liturgical Press).

Membership dues plus dinner

New Lenten Bible Study Announced

The Biblical Association for the Church of Ireland has announced the topic of its most recent free Lenten Bible Study resource. The topic for 2019 is “Transforming Repentance: Coming Home to God.” This is the 8th such Lenten study produced by the group. The 2019 study is available here. The list of previous studies is available here

2019 Annual Meeting News forthcoming

The 2019 meeting of the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars will be held on Friday, November 22 off site in San Diego. We are hopeful that we will be able to arrange bus transportation from the conference center. All are welcome to join us from 5:00 to 9:00 pm for fellowship, Holy Eucharist, dinner (reservations required online in the fall at, and an invited panel. In addition, we will meet for Holy Eucharist in the conference venue at 11:45 on Sunday morning, November 24.